Meet Kenan
It is a privilege to serve our district in the Iowa House. I feel that I am making a difference in the lives of Iowans with my service and I would be honored to have your vote for a fourth term on November 5th.
My wife, Kathi, and I are proud to have raised our family in Clive and Waukee. We are the parents of four daughters: Kellie, Melissa, Madeline and Ellen, who all graduated from Waukee Public Schools. I also have two wonderful sons-in-law and three adorable grandsons.
I retired after a 38-year business career with Hy-Vee, starting as a meat cutter and rising to the ranks of a Group Vice President. I value the experiences I have had in raising a family while balancing a career.
I feel my experience in business, leadership, teamwork and being respectful to my colleagues transfers well to the State House and I look forward to the next legislative session as your State Representative.
- Kenan

Key Issues
As your State Representative, Kenan believes in leading with a moderate view and conducting himself with civility, honesty and integrity to keep focus on policy that betters the lives of all Iowans. For example, Kenan has voted for 4 state income tax cuts in his six years in office all while prioritizing a balanced budget.
If re-elected in November 5, 2024, Kenan will continue to represent this community with a focus on key issues like these.
Job Growth & Development
"I want everyone to have the same opportunities that I did." Kenan knows what it takes to work his way up in the business world. It's important to bring quality good paying jobs with benefits to our community. At the foundation of that is two things: a strong business owner community and training programs for workers. Everyone should have the opportunity to take pride in their work and be rewarded for their hard work. Politicians have lost focus of what it takes to bring good paying jobs to our communities. That means investing in education so that our children have the skills needed for the 21st century economy and we need to invest in apprenticeship programs that train workers for the jobs of tomorrow.
Strengthen Our Schools
"Our daughters graduated from Waukee High School. That sense of community and education helped to shape their lives." Supporting our teachers should be at the center of our efforts. This support not only includes proper funding for our schools, but also includes protecting our AEA's (Area Education Associations).
Healthcare That Works For Everyone
"Healthcare and wellness programs don't have to be free for everyone, but they should work for everyone at an affordable cost." Wellness is more than doctor visits. It also includes exercise and a healthy diet. These opportunities should not be exclusive to the wealthy. Wellness and healthcare should be affordable for all Iowans - especially those with disabilities and mental illness. We need to address the poor state of our healthcare system in Iowa. Healthcare costs are skyrocketing and for too many Iowans healthcare is either unaffordable or inaccessible. The privatization of Medicaid has hurt the most vulnerable people in this state. That's not how Iowans treat Iowans. We need to work towards a bipartisan solution that fixes the sorry state of mental health care in Iowa, that includes ensuring accessible substance abuse treatment facilities, confronts our opioid epidemic and provides proper mental healthcare.
House District 27